Off to Oklahoma - Part 4

Logbook Entry : 00060
June 5th, 2010

I can't tell you how good it feels to be home. A few days after my arrival to Oklahoma, a weather bulletin was issued, warning surrounding counties of a tornado threat! For most of Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas, people were warned. This went on for most of the week, off and on! Now I never saw a tornado but powere went in and out which included the internet. I hadn't a way to write on my blog. But rest assure, I am home and sitting in front of my computer telling you all about it.

Now, even though I hadn't seen a tornado, doesn't mean there was one through town. Like I had said before, we lost power several times and of course, the internet. One evening, after dark, the alarm sounded in town warning us of a possible tonado in the area. We headed into the basement and stayed there with the radio on so that we would know when it was safe to head back upstairs. I ended up falling asleep and didn't wake until the next morning. This is when I found the power was out.

The power was out for most of the day, so we checked out the rest of town. No one report a tornado through town but someone said that there were power lines down at the edge of town. If this is tornado work, then we were just missed! But this isn't the only time we seemed to have had close calls!


Anonymous said...

Hey Hamlet we had fun having you here... Wish we had had a little more time to fit in the trolley ride and better weather for you but this year the weather has been rather unusual for us in Oklahoma - Hope to see you again!!

Goofy girl