Off to Oklahoma - Part 5

Logbook Entry : 00061
June 6th, 2010

I had to cut the trip a day due to a strange phone call I got from Hunter. He didn't sound quite right. Of course he didn't tell me what was going on but did ask if I was coming home soon. It seemed like an odd question to ask since I still really didn't know him. So after I got off the phone with him, I decided I felt a little uncomfortable with the phone call, and made arrangements to fly home early. But since the earliest I could fly home was later in the evening, I wanted to make the best of the rest of my time in Oklahoma.

So, Yorrick and I went for a trip to check out Lake El Reno. We had lots of funny hanging out together there until Yorrick ran off towards the lake. I think he saw something jump out of the lake. This would explain why he ran off towards the lake when we really weren't even close. So we headed off after him. We sat by the water for almost 30 minutes and didn't see a thing. I picked up Yorrick and we all started walking away when I heard something from behind us. I turned around and saw nothing. The water was smooth, showing no signs of disturbance. We continued along when finally I heard something again and quickly turned around. Quicker than the last time. Gary the Groundhog was swimming in the lake. We walked back to the lake to visit him as he swam. He looked like he was having so much fun. He asked if we would like to join him, but I had told him that we were leaving and my swimming trunks were already packed. That and Yorrick doesn't like water. He was sad that we couldn't join him but told us he understood. Yorrick and I let him carry on and we checked out the rest of the park around the lake. Once we made a once through the park, we set up a picnic and had a mid afternoon snack. Some fruit and kitty treats!

We didn't stay to long much after our snack. We headed to the airport in hopes of beating the rush. We did but we beat the rush so bad, we arrived at the airport 4 hours early. Yorrick again had to go under the plane with other animals and I had to wait in the terminal alone. Since I had nothing to do for those 4 hours, I went and called Hunter. The phone rang and rang and rang. After 10 rings he finally picked up. He sounded as if he was winded. I ask what was going on and he didn't answer. In fact, it sounded as if he dropped the phone. I heard some screaming, things hit the floor, and some snapping! What was going on over there? I needed to get home quick. I needed to get home now!


FrogiNater said...

Hamlet should visit me in Montana. We're practically family-- I mean a frog and a pig, how much closer could you get?! :)

goatlady13 said...

Man--Gary didnt tell me he went swimming in the lake! No wonder he smelled a bit "musty" when he got home...maybe he though Crabby was swimming in there?