Yorrick! It's Not That Cold!

Logbook Entry : 00046
March 27th, 2010

Just when you think that spring is here, Mother Nature decides to throw us for a loop and hits us with a day that reminds us of her power. But you wouldn't have know this just by looking out a window. Saturday looked to be a beautiful day to go out and we did, heading to Sewells Falls in Concord. We hadn't been there in quite some time. This is a nice stretch of land along the Merrimack River. To bad we were not gonna enjoy that stretch.

When we got there, it only took minutes for Yorrick to freak out and jump on me. It would seem that Yorrick was shocked to find the ground as cold as it was. I tried to get him down, but his claws were sunk into my head. I was not a very happy camper. I tried to deal with him clinging to my head as trying to get him down was not working. So I began to head towards the river where the trail began and his claws sunk in further. I had never seen Yorrick like this before. I was a bit concerned for him and we returned to the car. He finally jumped off my head and sat in the passenger seat. I asked him what is problem was but of being a cat, couldn't figure it out. I opened the door as to get out and when I reached for Yorrick, he darted into the back seat out of reach. I tried to open another a back door to get him, but then he would dart into the front seat. This was not gonna work. So we headed home.

As we drove home, I couldn't help but think about what had just happened. He hadn't done this all winter, but yet today, he acted very weird. I certainly couldn't figure out why he acted that way, but maybe he acted in a way that we all would like to have done. With spring here, we refuse to give it back. Let the warm air come and turn everything green. Please!


Anonymous said...

I want to know what age group of kids are you want to appeal to? The story contents is good but to new readers, and I am one, There is no intro of who Yorrick is nad who you are. Kids need to be reminded of these thing all the time. Hope you don't mind my imput. Nice story or blog. Are the kinda the same thing?